Jurnal Empower : Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam (ISSN Print : 2580-085X | ISSN Online : 2580-0973) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal of the Muslim Society Development. This journal is published by Department of Islamic Community Development, Faculty of Da’wa and Islamic Communication, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon in collaboration with Perkumpulan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam (P2MI) and Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah (PPJID).
Jurnal Empower : Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam is published twice a year in June and December. The goal of this journal is community development in various fields of life especially in rural sociology, development sociology, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), social welfare, social demography, community development management, community development in disaster management, community education, communication development, creative economy, and gender. This journal is publishing original research articles and all papers are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Jurnal Empower : Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam has been accredited SINTA 5 at Desember 13th, 2019 by Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal in Director Decree (SK Dirjen No. 30/E/KPT/2019) and effective until 2023.
Jurnal Empower : Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam has been indexed by Science and Technology Index (SINTA), Crossref, GARUDA, and Moraref.