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In the era of technology like today, pornography is very easily accessed through the media, especially the virtual media. The prices of Internet rent are affordable by teenagers and children, moreover the mobile phone that have internet applications, making pornography easily accessed through the virtual media. From the interview results of 25 students of SMA-SMK Mandiri Cirebon, obtained an information that they often to see the pornography through the internet media, tabloids, magazines and comics. Five of these 25 students also keep the pornographic video on their mobile phones. Of these 25 students, 12 students have kissed with their boy/girlfriends, 8 students have already held hands. While the rest 5 students said that they never consume pornography through any media, has never kissed lips, but had held hands with his boy/girlfriend. By the technology advance, the teenagers are often searching for the wrong information such as pornographic movies and pornographic images.
Di era teknologi seperti saat ini, pornografi sangat mudah diakses melalui media, terutama media maya. Harga rental internet yang terjangkau oleh remaja dan anak-anak hingga media telepon seluler yang mempunyai aplikasi internet, membuat pornografi semakin mudah di akses melalui media maya. Dari hasil wawancara terhadap 25 peserta didik di sekolah SMA-SMK Mandiri Cirebon, diperoleh informasi mereka sering melihat pornografi melalui media internet, tabloid, majalah dan komik. Lima diantara 25 siswa ini juga menyimpan film porno dalam handphone mereka. Dari 25 siswa ini, 12 siswa pernah berciuman dengan pacar mereka, 8 siswa sudah pernah berpegangan tangan. Sedangkan dari 5 siswi SMA-SMK Mandiri Cirebon, semuanya mengatakan tidak pernah mengkonsumsi pornografi melalui media apapun, belum pernah berciuman bibir, tapi pernah berpegangan tangan dengan pacarnya. Semakin meningkatnya tekhnologi sering para remaja mencari informasi yang salah seperti info film porno dan gambar porno.Â
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DOI: 10.24235/oasis.v2i2.2667
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