Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24235/amwal.v15i2

Table of Contents


Macroeconomic and Economic Policy Uncertainty on Index Movement: An Empirical Study of the Islamic Capital Market in Indonesia PDF
Faiq Maulana Wafi, Santi Merlinda 139-158
Exploring Trust Dynamics in Islamic Insurance Company PDF
Abdul Halim, Tubagus Ismail, Faizul Mubarok 159-171
Strategy for Increasing Interest in Muzakki Through Digital Payment Applications: Case Study in Baznas Jombang PDF
Fitriyatus Sofiyah, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh 172-184
The Potential of Halal Culinary Tourism Among Non-Muslim Communities in Bali PDF
Rokhmat Subagiyo, Achmad Syaichoni 185-203
How Zakat Moderating the Influence of Human Development Index, Labor, Gross Regional Domestic Product on Poverty in Central Java? PDF
Halla Novitasari, Qi Mangku Bahjatulloh, Wartoyo Wartoyo 204-219
Influence of Religious Culture, Tourism Revitalization, Visitor Interest, and BUMDES Empowerment to Welfare of Business Operators in Benowo Park Tourism PDF
Fitri Mukarromah, Nur Ilyas Subakti, Amalliyah Amalliyah 220-233
Modeling The Human Development Index in Islamic Economic Perspective: Empirical Evidence from Jambi Province PDF
Elyanti Rosmanidar, Titin Agustin Nengsih 234-243
Millennial Generation's Intention to Use E-Wallet Through the UTAUT2 Model PDF
Emy Widyastuti 244-255
Measuring The Performance of Indonesian Sharia Commercial Banks Using The Maqashid Sharia Index And Profitability Approach PDF
Abi Zidan Mahendra, Adityawarman Adityawarman 256-272
Legality of Qiyas in Legal Terms: The Implementation in Islamic Economics and Finance PDF
Muhammad Baharudin Syah, Muhajirin Muhajirin 273-286