Available online since 30th October, 2020
Table of Contents
Utilization of Literature Based Math in Developing Didactic Designs for Students' Mathematical Understanding in the Decimal Concept | |
Wida Rachmiati, Helnanelis Helnanelis, Juhji Juhji | 148-165 |
Developing Module for Two-Dimensional Course Based on Ethnomathematics for Fourth Grade of Elementary School Student | |
Dyah Triwahyuningtyas, Novia Eka Mahmuda, Yulianti Yulianti | 166-178 |
Developing Edutainment-Based Comic Media in Integrative-Thematic Learning in the Elementary School | |
Rani Febriyanti, Ali Mustadi | 179-196 |
The Effect of Nature of Science (NoS) Explicit Learning Design on Students’ NoS Comprehension at Elementary School | |
Cucun Sutinah, Ari Widodo | 197-209 |
The Effect of Edmodo-Based E-Learning toward Participation and Understanding of Elementary School Teacher Candidate | |
Hanifah Nuryani, Haryanto Haryanto, Setyo Eko Atmojo | 210-225 |
The Analysis of Science Process Skills on Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers | |
Rif'at Shafwatul Anam | 226-236 |
Teachers’ Strategies in Developing and Measuring Students’ Communication Skills | |
Hery Rosdianti, Wuri Wuryandani, Heri Retnawati | 237-249 |
The Effect of Communication and Policy-Making to Teacher’s Performance on Strategic Madrasah Leadership during Pandemic Covid-19 | |
Ahmadi Ahmadi, Ahmad Romadlon | 250-263 |
Humanization of Education in the Challenges and Opportunities of the Disruption Era at Nahdlatul Ulama Elementary School | |
Ahmad Tarmizi Hasibuan, Nurzakiah Simangunsong, Ely Rahmawati, Rahmaini Rahmaini | 264-279 |
Improving the Ability of Understanding Mathematical Concepts through Digital-based Comics for Elementary School Students | |
Rida Fironika Kusumadewi, Amos Neolaka, Mahmuddin Yasin | 280-294 |