This issue has been available online since 30th June, 2022. All articles in this issue (15 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 52 authors from 2 countries (Indonesia, Sudan).
Table of Contents
Developing Supplementary Book for Constructing Tests with Minimum Competency Assessment for Elementary Schools Teachers | |
Sigit Priatmoko, Wiku Aji Sugiri, Agus Mukti Wibowo | 1-18 |
The Analysis of Primary Students’ Learning Obstacles on Plane Figures’ Perimeter and Area using Onto-Semiotic Approach | |
Rina Milinia, Mohammad Faizal Amir | 19-33 |
The Analysis of Creativity and Misconceptions of Elementary School Student Teachers in Science Learning through the Mind Map in Virtual Classrooms | |
Nur Inayah Syar | 34-54 |
The Development of Articulate Storyline-based Learning Media to Improve 5th Grade Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability | |
Fery Muhamad Firdaus, Ika Nur Azizah, Sonia Pritin, Oktiana Damayanti, Fatika Chandra Annisa | 55-73 |
Technical Assistance Program as A Media to Overcome the Problem of Children’s Dyslexia in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah | |
Hasan Baharun, Nurhidayah Trisilia, Siti Maryam Munjiat, Bannaga Taha Al-Zubair Hussen | 74-87 |
Developing Ancermat (Anthology of Mathematics Story) Digital Learning Media to Improve Students’ Problem-Solving Ability | |
Nuhyal Ulia, Mohamad Hariyono, Imam Kusmaryono, Rida Fironika Kusumadewi | 88-105 |
The Geometry E-module Based on Numerical Literacy for the Fifth Grade of Elementary School | |
Dyah Triwahyuningtyas, Wahyu Meganingrum, Arnelia Dwi Yasa, Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti | 106-118 |
The Effects of Problem-Based Learning Model with Environmental Literacy-Oriented on the Elementary School Students' Narrative Writing Skills | |
Misbah Binasdevi, Idah Faridah Laily, Tamsik Udin, Syibli Maufur, Inayatul Ummah | 119-130 |
Implementing an Environment-based Curriculum at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah During the Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Nur Atikoh, Tati Nur Hayati, Ummi Nur Rokhmah | 131-144 |
Teacher Intervention for Coping with Students’ Learning Difficulties of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the Covid-19 Social Restrictions | |
Enung Nugraha, Encep Syarifudin | 145-160 |
The Level of Parents' Motivation in Helping Elementary School Children during Online Learning at Home; Case Studies in Indonesia and the Philippines | |
Siti Dewi Maharani, Evy Ratna Kartika Waty, Sri Sumarni, Makmun Raharjo | 161-170 |
Improving the Quality of Islamic Religious Education Learning through Class Management in Elementary Schools | |
Farihin Farihin, Eem Ubada Al Mudzaifah, Ahmad Arifuddin | 171-186 |
Analysis of the Internship Program "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" Perspectives of Primary School Teachers’ Teaching Readiness | |
Muhamad Afandi, Sari Yustiana, Sri Wahyuningsih | 187-201 |
Improving the Competitiveness of Educational Institutions through Marketing Mix Management at Islamic Elementary School | |
Abdul Karim, Ashif Az Zafi, Rochimuzzama Rochimuzzama | 202-218 |
Initial Ability in Online Learning Process of Elementary School Teachers; Case Studies in Riau Province | |
Radeswandri Radeswandri, Rian Vebrianto, Mery Berlian, Musa Thahir, Cahyani Elvira | 219-233 |
The Nature of Prophetic Genes in Tafsir Perspective: Relation of Primary School Children's Character Education | |
Slamet Firdaus | 234-251 |