This issue has been available online since 23rd June, 2023. All articles in this issue (14 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 42 authors from 4 countries (Malaysia, United States, Indonesia, Spain).
Table of Contents
Drug Prevention Education Programs in Schools in High-Risk Areas: Challenges for Primary School Teachers in Malaysia | |
Ahmad Jazimin Jusoh, Ciptro Handrianto, Durrah Athirah Walid, Suzaily Wahab, Shahid Rasool | 1-12 |
Analysis of the Elementary School Students' Learning Obstacles: A Case Study on the Concept of Fractions | |
Komang Sujendra Diputra, Didi Suryadi, Tatang Herman, Al Jupri | 13-28 |
Need Analysis of Integrated Science Digital Teaching Materials with Blended Learning Models in the New Normal Era for PGMI Students throughout East Java | |
Rizki Amelia | 29-41 |
Shiroh-based Positive Labeling at Rumah Anak Sholeh Padang, Indonesia: A Case Study | |
Safrizal Safrizal, Resti Yulia, Desri Jumiarti | 42-52 |
Sustainable Awareness About Climate Change on Elementary School Pupils’ Perspective: What Wonderful Finding! | |
Cucun Sutinah, Ari Widodo, Muslim Muslim, Ernawulan Syaodih | 53-62 |
Development of the Game-based HOTS Assessment Instrument for Measuring Science Literacy Skills of Islamic Elementary School Students | |
Taufiq Satria Mukti, Melly Elvira, Zaharah Binti Hussin | 63-80 |
Classroom Display Management As a Determinant Factor of Primary School Students' Learning Achievement | |
Siti Dewi Maharani | 81-90 |
Analysis of Needs for the Development of Audiobooks Based on Realistic Mathematics Education for Fourth-Grade Elementary School Students | |
Arissona Dia Indah Sari, Tatang Herman, Wahyu Sopandi, Al Jupri, Nataria Wahyuning Subayani | 91-104 |
A Literacy and Numeracy Model to Enhance the Independent Learning Education for Islamic Elementary School Teachers | |
Ahwy Oktradiksa, Mujahidun Mujahidun, Carolyn Hunt | 105-118 |
Digital based Madrasas: The Strategy to Improve the Quality of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Performance | |
Hasan Baharun, Almakkiyatul Mukarramah | 119-133 |
Analysis of the Students' Digital Literacy Skills through Blended Learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Idah Faridah Laily, Nguyen Thi Thuy Duyen, Misbah Binasdevi | 134-142 |
The Effectiveness of Teaching Materials of Local-Wisdom Based Picture Storybooks on the Eco-Literacy of Elementary School Students | |
Devi Afriyuni Yonanda, Nana Supriatna, Kama Abdul Hakam, Wahyu Sopandi | 143-152 |
The Effects of Online Games on the Students’ Motivation and Its Implications in Learning | |
Dwi Anita Alfiani, Fikri Miftahul Nugraha, Heru Mudiyanto, Dadan Setiawan | 153-162 |
Project-based Learning: A Case Studying the Catholic Monarchs in Elementary Education | |
José Manuel Sáez López | 163-177 |